The Firm

The Firm was founded by Mr. Matteo Mangia in January 2019, after a cooperation for over 20 years with Mr. Guido Carlo Alleva. It is located in Milan and works throughout the whole national territory in Corporate Criminal Law field, with a particular reference to corporate, banking and financial area, as well as environmental and health and security in working places areas.

The Firm conducts its activity both in judicial and extrajudicial field.

The professionals who compose the Firm gained pluriannual expertise, whilst assisting natural persons and primary national and foreign corporations in the most relevant criminal proceedings in the specific areas of competence. Furthermore, the Firm is also active in the assistance to legal persons, with reference to the administrative liability of the entity descended from a crime, as set out in Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

In its activity, the Firm relies on the most respected and esteemed consultants in the different fields of competence.

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