

In the month of July 2020, G. Giappichelli Editore has published the book

“Criminal law responsibilities of the employer and COVID-19”

written, among other, by Mr. Matteo Mangia.

Mr. Matteo Mangia, in July 2020, has published the article:

“The impact of COVID-19 on compliance: burdens of the employer and responsibility pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001”

in  “Archivio della Nuova Procedura Penale”, 04/2020.

On March 24th, Mr. Matteo Mangia has published the article

Coronavirus and contagion of the employee: criminal responsibility for the employer and the undertaking and preventive measures

on the web magazine of the 4C Legal platform.

On November 28th, Mr. Matteo Mangia has published the article

Legislative Decree 231/2001 and fraudulent misrepresentation, the introduction of procedures in the Model, comparison with corruption cases

on the web magazine of the “Associazione dei Componenti degli Organi di Vigilanza ex 231/2001”

On October 10th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

The new “eco-crimes” and their relation with the “old” contraventions envisaged by the Consolidated Environmental Law

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

In September 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

“Sweep-corrupt” law and liability of the entity descended from a crime

in “Archivio della Nuova Procedura Penale”, 05/2019.

On August 9th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

Derivatives contracts and usury: brief technical reflections

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 02/2019.

On July 17th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

The new article 187-terdecies TUF and the ne bis in idem principle with regard to market abuse

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

On May 13th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia, published the article

The “relevance” of accounting evaluations in the crime of false financial statements: the criteria provided by jurisprudence

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

On March 25th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia, published the article

Criminal liability of the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors in concert with the Directors, symptomatic elements and judicial evaluations

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

On February 4th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia, published the article

The figure of the undercover agent concerning the offences of corruption. Critical profiles

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

Mr. Matteo Mangia has published the article

About the (in-)existence of the crimes pursuant to artt. 640 e 644 Criminal Code with regards to “derivatives” contracts: considerations on the sidelines of a recent sentence. Note to the sentence of the Tribunal of Lecco, II Criminal Section, 20 February 2018, n.1103

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 01/2019.

In December 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

Procedural criminal aspects of whistleblowing and opened questions

in “Archivio della Nuova Procedura Penale”, 06/2018.

On June 26th 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

The principle of homogeneity and usury – some technical notes

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 02/2018.

On April 10th 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

Banking usury: some ideas of evaluation related to default interests, security position and concrete usury

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 01/2018.

In March 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the contribution

The new offence of usury and the social and “criminal” politicy demands that constitute its prerequisite

in “Usura bancaria”, curated by AssoCTU, Italian Scientific Editions.


In the month of July 2020, G. Giappichelli Editore has published the book

“Criminal law responsibilities of the employer and COVID-19”

written, among other, by Mr. Matteo Mangia.

Mr. Matteo Mangia, in July 2020, has published the article:

“The impact of COVID-19 on compliance: burdens of the employer and responsibility pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001”

in  “Archivio della Nuova Procedura Penale”, 04/2020.

On March 24th, Mr. Matteo Mangia has published the article

Coronavirus and contagion of the employee: criminal responsibility for the employer and the undertaking and preventive measures

on the web magazine of the 4C Legal platform.

On November 28th, Mr. Matteo Mangia has published the article

Legislative Decree 231/2001 and fraudulent misrepresentation, the introduction of procedures in the Model, comparison with corruption cases

on the web magazine of the “Associazione dei Componenti degli Organi di Vigilanza ex 231/2001”

On October 10th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

The new “eco-crimes” and their relation with the “old” contraventions envisaged by the Consolidated Environmental Law

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

In September 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

“Sweep-corrupt” law and liability of the entity descended from a crime

in “Archivio della Nuova Procedura Penale”, 05/2019.

On August 9th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

Derivatives contracts and usury: brief technical reflections

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 02/2019.

On July 17th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

The new article 187-terdecies TUF and the ne bis in idem principle with regard to market abuse

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

On May 13th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia, published the article

The “relevance” of accounting evaluations in the crime of false financial statements: the criteria provided by jurisprudence

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

On March 25th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia, published the article

Criminal liability of the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors in concert with the Directors, symptomatic elements and judicial evaluations

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

On February 4th 2019, Mr. Matteo Mangia, published the article

The figure of the undercover agent concerning the offences of corruption. Critical profiles

on the web magazine of the 4cLegal platform.

Mr. Matteo Mangia has published the article

About the (in-)existence of the crimes pursuant to artt. 640 e 644 Criminal Code with regards to “derivatives” contracts: considerations on the sidelines of a recent sentence. Note to the sentence of the Tribunal of Lecco, II Criminal Section, 20 February 2018, n.1103

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 01/2019.

In December 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

Procedural criminal aspects of whistleblowing and opened questions

in “Archivio della Nuova Procedura Penale”, 06/2018.

On June 26th 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

The principle of homogeneity and usury – some technical notes

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 02/2018.

On April 10th 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the article

Banking usury: some ideas of evaluation related to default interests, security position and concrete usury

in “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, 01/2018.

In March 2018, Mr. Matteo Mangia published the contribution

The new offence of usury and the social and “criminal” politicy demands that constitute its prerequisite

in “Usura bancaria”, curated by AssoCTU, Italian Scientific Editions.

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